Friday, June 20, 2008

Boys go Camping Girls go to Grease!

When I was growing up we used to chant ..."Boys go Camping, Girls go to Grease" the day of the Father and Sons camp out. The boys would leave for the camp out and the girls would head to the drive-in to watch Grease that apparently always played at the local drive-in.
Well, this year the "Boys went Camping...and Jen cleaned the house." Tragic really, but it had to be done. The "Girls Go to Grease" part may also never happen since we are expecting our 3rd BOY! I'm afraid the burping, farting and skinned knees will continue. As loud, crazy and crud as our house can be, I still wouldn't change a thing.

Brave Ted looks a little worn after a night of camping with Jack & Max

Max is clearly wiped out after giving Ted a run for his money.

There he is Ted that "run" for his money.


Drew Turk said...

that would have been fun. Can't wait to have boys of my own.

Beth said...

Congrats! That will be so fun to have THREE boys! Think about how much fun/trouble they'll get into when they're older :) (And, could you send me the "recipe" for boys, I seem to have misplaced mine...)