What the ____!!
(please do not read if you are a perfect Mormon)
Sunday I'm sitting in Ward Council and the Bishop casually mentions something about our meeting time at 1:00pm AGAIN next year. I shake my head thinking maybe my ears heard that wrong. Clearly, I thought I heard that wrong, seeing how we've already had the joy of meeting at that glorious hour this year. The entire room must have been privy to this information before me since I was the only one in the room with my jaw to the floor. Then in a louder voice then normal...I managed to get out "What the heck?" What I really wanted to say was "What the hell?" But I refrained for obvious reasons. I'm sure we're already labeled as the "potty mouth" family anyway after Jack's previous outburst in sunbeams. So after much thought, Ted and I have narrowed our choices down to these:
A. Stop going to church
B. Join another church
C. Go to a different ward
D. Suck it up and stop complaining
I know, I know, some people like that time. But here at the Turk house...we hate it! So don't leave a comment on how great that time is and how much you love it, because I'm still kind of bugged and I don't want to hear it.