Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day of School

Well today was Jack's first day of preschool. Wish that I had a cute picture of him, but that would entail getting ready, dressed and attending your first day of school. ALL of which he did NOT do because.... his mom has a leak in her brain. So instead I thought I would take a picture of him being edified watching cartoons. Looks like Wednesday will actually be his "FIRST" day of preschool. (in my defense our carpool friends forgot too.)


Cherry Allen said...

Oh my, that is something I can relate to!! It makes me feel soooo much better to hear that it can happen to you Jen!!! lets see if I can make you feel better - forgotten halloween prade, frantic & pregnant mother sprinting though town to catch a tain to get back to the 'show', missed train, so emotional break down in friends fathers art store, begged for a ride, and cried the whole way to the preschool, with Mr. Escott trying to calm me down.... Got to the school, totally missed the show!!! Oh my oh my, at least you are cool about it! Jack will never know the better...

Emily R said...

that is SOOO funny! oh, cherry, your story is sad, but i can relate too!! how many parties have i missed? how many meetings have i missed? how many music lessons (ones i have paid for or someone else has paid me!), chior things... hmmm... i have absolutely NO brain for anything!

however, when it comes to preschool, i usually dont miss that... i think i look forward to it too much?

Beth said...

oooh, woops! He looks.. distraught. I'm sure he'll catch right up.. although preschool is pretty darn complex ;) (Gracie's first day consisted of name games & a snack..) :)

Unknown said...

Identities of a TRUE MOM!
Take it from your own mom, talk about countless "things" forgotten!
I am sure I hold the record!
But NOBODY loves ya more than ME!


Lacey said...

That's so funny! What are you teaching your son??? JK Hope you all are feeling better.

Anthony & Lauri said...

It looks like Jack holds no regrets for missing his first day...just wait for the day when he starts faking sickness to get out of going to school. In case you were i never faked sick ;)Just like ferris bueller don't want to take too sick cause then you'll end up in the doctors.

Lydia said...

That makes me laugh! But it doesn't look like Jack cared too much, and at least you weren't the only one who forgot. I already forget things that I'm supposed to do , so I'm pretty sure once Kaitlyn gets involved she'll miss a few things too due to the leak in my brain