Bitter Bitter....Bitter Bitter
When I was growing up if anyone in our family started sulking, pouting, tantrum throwing, whining or anything of the such my parents would promptly start singing "Bitter, Bitter, Bitter, Bitter" To the tune of Bula Bula (and I guess unless your an Eliason or an Allen you probably don't know the tune to Bula Bula) So anyway, sometimes I do it to my boys, because that is what we do right? Pass our cruel family traditions down from one generation to the next. Max HATES it! So I should probably stop doing it, but it is SOOOO cute/funny when he puts his big head straight down into his tiny hands on the floor like "Shut up Mom that isn't helping." Just so you all don't think I'm a complete meany....I always pick him right up and proceed to tickle and kiss his chubby little belly.