Friday, October 17, 2008

"Jesus is NOT your friend"

So yesterday I pretty much had a Mommy Meltdown. I've really been trying to follow what Pres. Monson know the talk...The one where he says ~Stop being so freakishly obsessive about your house, your work, your life and don't worry about picking up the toys and mopping the floor that you keep sticking to because the whole neighborhood helped themselves to an entire box of otter pops, the one about the piles of laundry and that little 2 year old that takes his diapers and clothes off at least 10 times a day and can't figure out what he wants and emotionally drains every last ounce of sanity out of you~ you know the one right???

So yesterday I was really trying to "Enjoy the Journey" I mean I was really REALLY trying. But by the end of the night one thing led to another and another and another and Mommy LOST IT! I yelled at Jack & Max for emptying ALL the bath water onto the bathroom floor and Jack just looked at me with this stern expression and yelled back......
"Jesus is NOT your FRIEND!"

Then since I'm 33 years old going on 5 years old I shouted back "Well he's not YOUR friend EITHER!!" (I know...I'm so mature huh?)

Then I started to cry :( boo whoo boo whoo ) really I was crying though... mostly because I knew I was jerk and Jack was right.

So today I'm going to TRY all over again, mostly because Jesus is one friend I can't afford to lose ;) And these boys are just too cute no matter how crazy they get.


Kristen said...

In that case, Jesus isn't my friend either...That is as awesome story!

Elena said...

I'll totally be your friend, then. We have a lot in common if you freak out, too. And I'm not even pregnant. You have every right to freak out whenever you want when you're pregnant. Just try to explain that to your little guys.

Gina said...

Days like that are so rough! I totally hear you!

Van Cott Family said...

oh Jen. . . I want to sincerely sympathize! I have two boys close in age (like you) and am extremely (like you prob. feel too right?) and will admit I too have broken down and cried right in front of them. It changes their behavior in an instant, on the plus side, but I think traumatized Seth a little once, since he talked about it like a week later. Poor kids! But hey we are human and the more they see that and hear us admit it I think the better. Good luck! But I think Jesus will always be your friend! :) You are a good person!

Van Cott Family said...

I meant extremely PREGNANT

Eliason Family said...

We all have days like that where we are trying our best to be a good parent and the smallest thing can set us off. But hang in there, your boys won't remember the breakdown in a week! I love the Jesus isn't your friend, where did Jack come up with that? I hope you had a better day!

Cherish said...

I love that story! I don't think there is a mom out there who hasn't "lost Jesus as their friend". You are such an awesome mom and have the cutest boys!

And, honestly your Thriller video had me busting up. That looked like such a fun "girly" night! The neck twitch in the beginning was my favorite. 5,6,7,8....

Kristy said...

Oh you're making me cry! Ack! Guess I'd better get off the computer and get to church!

I so feel your trials sistah!

Always remember that Jesus is ALWAYS your friend! :0)

Hang in there.

Emily R said...

been there. your boys are adorable, and i am sure Jesus understands.

Bryn said...

I loved reading you story, it's so right on for most of us, if anyone says they don't have those days their lying, even if their not pregnant. You know that you must be doing something right considering Jacks 1st thought was about being Jesus's friend! He must be learning good things at home. Good for you for trying to live in the moment.

Callie said...

That is so funny, it is hard to find joy in the bathwater on the floor, i am with you!

Chad & Dawn Howey said...

That made me laugh.. Luckily we ALL have days when we act like Jesus Isn't our friend.. But even if we act badly.. we know He will always be our friend..
I think you are a great mom.. It is good to have kids see adults apologize for bad behavior so think of it as a learning experience for those sweet boys of yours.

Jonesy said...

Jen! Thank you for being such a normal mom! Frankly, Jesus isn't usually my friend on bath nights...or durning Sacrament meeting...or FHE...come to think of it, Jesus is usually only my friend during naptime! Love ya!

Cherry Allen said...

ok - tears - you have got to love them!!

Jenny Hart Turk said...

Pretty much, I would just blame it all on your hormones, esp since you are going to have a baby any day now. But you are right, they are pretty darn cute boys!