Sunday, March 30, 2008

Random Stuff

I got a call today from some one in the Primary Presidency....(you can imagine that my heart stopped as I thought he might have reverted to his D#!@ it ways). Thankfully, the conversation went something like this:

Sis F: "Jen I just have to tell you the funniest thing that happened in primary today."

Me: "uh-oh"

Sis F: "I asked for a volunteer to say the opening prayer and Jack's hand shot right up! We all bowed our heads and got ready for his prayer .......

"I'd like to bear my testimony, I know this church is true, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

They figured that was good enough for the opening prayer and Jack sat back in his seat so proud of himself.

Some cute singing BATH TIME pictures of the boys.

Ted and I made a list this year...It's called 50 in 5. Basically 50 things we want to do in the next 5 years. Well, this weekend we got to cross off Swing Dancing Lessons. We learned the East Coast Swing which was SOOOO much harder than it looked. Well at least for me! I knew Tami would catch on pretty quick since she grew up dancing but during the lesson I kept watching her and she was out of control!!! I kept thinking "Am I that lame that I can't figure this Rock step, triple step stuff out?" Ummmm can you say NATIONAL SWING DANCE CHAMPION!! Hello! Nice Tami. Not exactly the information you keep secret when you are paying someone else for dance lessons. It was way fun though. We still need to learn West Coast, Charleston, Jitterbug and the one I'm really excited for...The Lindy Hop. Should be fun times.
St. Patrick's Day


Anonymous said...

Awesome!! Is their bath in the mapleton castle? That looks like a swimming pool distance from that wall. The only thing that made me believe it was a tub was the tap and the bubbles. How fun. And look how hot you look swing dancing. Ted looks sweet in his swing duds too. We want and invite next time. Jeff would be hilarious. And love the spiked green hair. Look at you festive little mommy good for you. Glad you're back I've missed you.

Elena said...

I'm totally laughing at the testimony! The funny thing is, I bet half the kids didn't even notice the difference. And swing dancing witht he Vincents? That is great. What fun people y'all are! Seriously, our date night involves dinner and a stroll through Target. I think the picture of Max in the bath could win an award - you're a master. Seriously, art.

Anthony & Lauri said...

Love the pic of st. patricks day...Max looks like he's about to beat somebody up...and Jack is trying to hold him back... :) cute stuff..

Bryn said...

Love the bath pictures, is Jack letting out some serious frustration? That testimony prayer is so cute! You set a good example for him in Sacrament meeting.
I always thought of St. Patricks day as a no-big-deal holiday, but obviously not in the Turk home!!!!

Kristen said...

What a coincidence...I have been looking for somewhere this week to take swing dancing lessons. Where did you guys do it? I might just call you and get the scoop.

Jenny Hart Turk said...

Great Pictures of the boys! You are sooo good! Hey can't wait to get together this weekend with all the fam! Jenny

Beth said...

Cuuuuuuuuuuuute bath pictures! LOVE THEM. You take the best pictures. And, the testimony ... HILARIOUS. I LOOOOVE the stuff kids do. Paige said the "d*m* it" phrase the other day when her frosted mini-wheat didn't have frosting... oopsie.. mommy needs to clean it up a bit...

Heather said...

You look so good!! The pics of the boys are adorable. I love bath time pictures.

Cherish said...

Love all the pictures! And that is so much fun that you guys are going to learn all those fun dances. You look so cute and skinny!

Jared and Casi said...

You take amazing photos. Way to go on the dancing. What a fun thing to do.