Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Few of My Favorite Things

1. Remembering Ted as the Man in the Yellow Hat. 2. Boarding a plane from the tarmac.

3. Playing Guitar Hero with Ted
4. Jackism: Chicken Little = Chicken Nuggets
Shoes-on = Shoes
baba chocolate = sippy cup with any liquid
itsy bitsy spider = spider
hold you = will you hold me
5. Watching Ted be such a great dad.

6. When Jack goes to the bathroom and shouts... " mommy I'm going poo."
7. When Jack tells me "good job" after I use the bathroom.
8. When Ted dresses Max. (at least everything is stripped in this outfit)
9. Monkey is part of our family.

10. Jack's one eyed squint smile.

11. Talking to my mom everyday
12. Talking to my sisters almost everyday
13. Bets with my dad
14. Going to the park
15. The way Jack's hair curls on one side and flips out on the other.

16. When Ted calls and says "who's your daddy."
17. Jack dressing himself.

18. Friday Date Night.
19. When Jack completely wipes out on his bike and then says..."That was close."
20. Max's blue eyes and his cute laugh.
21. The beach.
22. Saturday mornings when Jack, Max, Monkey and Zoe are all in our bed ;)


Unknown said...

Yeh - you did it...i your mom/mother-in law to Ted and Maka to your kids....these are my favoite things too!

Love, MOM

Aunt Julia said...

Jen how cute is your family? Max is huge!!! I totally want this one picture of Jack where he is close up and looks so adorable. That just added about 50% of sadness to my homesickness! I miss everyone so much I cried looking at your blog! Can't wait to see you in May!Love Julia
Tell Jack I love him sooo much

Heather said...

Me too....I had to pull out a tissue after reading this one. What a great Mom you are!

Love you,

Heather said...
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