Friday, February 23, 2007

Ohhh The Joys of Motherhood

So first off I'd like to publicly thank my parents for the countless times they had to clean up my puke. I never had the best reputation for being able to hold my own (food down that is). It now seems that it is payback time. Puke is one of those disgusting tasks that no one should have to bare, clean up or smell. Unfortunately, there is this window of time where your children aren't quite old enough to have the sense to make it to the bathroom or clean up their own mess. Which leads me to last night.....Not once, not twice but three times Ted and I proceeded to strip Jack out of his puke infested clothes, clean him, change him, wash dirty sheets and put on new bedding. Ted, bless his heart would put the puke bowl by his bed each time thinking Jack would get the concept on the next go around. Sadly, the bowl stayed clean. So my sick little boy didn't quite make it to preschool this morning.
I found him here after a dose of Tylenol with codine.


Anonymous said...

nWhat a precious little boy. You are so smart to record these tender moments!
These times will be a WAY distant memory before you know it.
Sure love you!


Aunt Julia said...

How adorable is Jack? Their little bodies are so fragile yet quick to recover. There were a few times when Jack was younger that I took care of him while he was sick and I hate to admit but those were the best times I liked to babysit cause he just wanted to cudle and have me hold him. What an awesome feeling!!!!